Eberron Campaign

A local Brisbane Eberron Campaign starting with "The Forgotten Forge". The Campaign then moves on to "Shadows of the Last War", "Whispers of the Vampires Blade" and Concludes in "Grasp of the Emerald Claw". The campaign may go on from there but im not getting ahead of myself...

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Location: Hillcrest, Queensland, Australia

Born in Christchurch, New Zealand in 1971. Moved to Australia in 1980. Went to Chatsworth Primary School, James Nash and Lowood High Schools in Australia. Worked for several questionable employers and am now working for the government...much better ;P

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Adventure TWO : Shadows of the Last War

Adventure TWO : Shadows of the Last War

Another rainy day in Sharn, another opportunity for danger and adventure. The adventurers make their way to Barmin Tower to visit the House Sivis message station. Before they get there the sudden urge to spend some of their new found wealth presents itself.

Kullthu the Shifter Ranger decided to spend his money on two magical +1 long swords and paid the resident enchanter to make his Heavy Crossbow into the flaming variety all for a very reasonable price.

Gord'n Tyuillion the ever prudent Sorcerer decided to save his money for the time being, however he did invest in a magical slingshot of flaming.

Mozz the Brave, Fighter and Cleric of Dol Dorn spent his gold on an Everbright lantern, a Heward's handy haversack and purchased a +1 spiked shield.

These seemed to be a reasonable prices and both Mozz and Kullthu were surprised at the speed with which they had their new magic items created.

Thunder rumbled in the distance as the friends crossed the rain slick sky bridge that leads to Barmin Tower. The rain falls at a steady pace, causing waterfalls to spill over the sides of the slanted rooftops and balcony railings. Ahead, the door to the House Sivis message station hangs open at a strange angle, one of its hinges separated from the doorframe. Lightning flashes, and the trio think they hear a groan from somewhere inside the otherwise quiet shop.

Peering inside cautiously the friends saw that the place had been ransacked. The tables and stools within the message station were in disarray; some had been overturned or smashed, others forcefully scattered from their usual places. Behind the counter, lying atop a spilled shelf of scrolls and parchment sheets, was the gnome clerk who ran the stations. She moaned, unconscious but still alive. When the friends tended to the gnome clerk she sat up, blinked her eyes and attempted to stand. “The messages! I have to check on the messages!” Looking around the room, it was obvious that a sling had been used in part of the destruction as sling stones littered the floor. An alert member of the trio noticed that small clawed footprints in the spilled ink near one of the overturned tables belonged to at least two different individuals of the same humanoid species. Possibly Kobolds. Further searching revealed a single, larger, split toed footprint on a sheet of parchment. This had to have been made by a Warforged being. When the clerks senses returned she recognized the trio from their frequent visits to the message station since they completed their first mission for Lady Elaydren. She explains that a band of Kobolds charged in and attacked her. There were at least four of the vile creatures. After they subdued her and made sure the place was otherwise empty, a human sized individual wrapped in a dark cloak entered the shop. “The stranger had a deep rumbling voice that was strong and threatening, and the kobolds followed his direction without question. He asked if there were any messages for you, it was an amazing coincidence because I had just transcribed a message for you from the speaking stone. I must have glanced at the scroll I was holding, and the next instance the man in the cloak had snatched the scroll with one hand and hit me with the other. That’s the last thing I remember.” When asked what the message said the clerk replied that they are trained to immediately forget the contents of messages once they have transcribed them. All that she could remember was that the message was from Lady Elaydren d’Cannith.

The rain seems to slack off as you walk away from the message station. Around a tower bend, at least a dozen people mill about on a partially covered terrace. A gang of children splashes in the puddles near the curving wall, laughing merrily. A merchant pushes an empty cart, presumably returning from the market exchange. A guard of the Sharn watch looks the crowd over from his place beneath a shop awning. A blur of feathers suddenly rockets toward you out of the cloud filled sky. It’s a giant owl, and it circles once before tipping the satchel it carries in its talons to drop a scroll case at your feet.

The scroll reads as follows...


The normal means of communication seems to have been compromised, so I have sent this special messenger to personally find you and deliver this letter. You served me once before, and now I need your help again. Time is short. I feel that our enemies have discovered me and are closing in. Meet me at the Broken Anvil tavern where we first discussed heirlooms and job opportunities and quickly for I believe that we are all in terrible danger.

Your Patron Lady E.

The Broken Anvil is located in the Mason’s Tower carved into a bend in the tower wall. Inside, Everbright lanterns at either end of the room provide flickering illumination. A round table is set to either side of the entrance, and three longer tables are scattered throughout the room. Today the Broken Anvil only has one customer, a woman in a worn brown cloak. She sits at a table at the far end of the room. As you enter, she raises her hand as if to cast a spell, then stops and pulls back her hood. Despite her disheveled hair and the dirt that coves her face, you recognize her. She is Elaydren d’Cannith, the woman who hired you to explore the depths of Sharn. “Quickly, quickly! Thank Olladra that you’re here. There is no time to waste.” Elaydren lifts her leather backpack off the floor and places it on the table. The leather is worn, but its brass fittings are still bright. It appears light, almost empty. “There is no time to explain!” Elaydren says, her fear-filled eyes darting from you to the door and back again. “Instructions, gold, and supplies are in this pack. Take it and go. The letter in the left-hand pocket explains everything, but you must go now! Trust me. If you can accomplish this task, the reward will be vast.” She hands the backpack to the trio.

Suddenly the door to the street bursts open. Four small figures leap through the doorway – kobolds! They move in pairs to each side of the chamber, clearing the space in front of the entrance. A fifth figure steps into the doorway, a broad humanoid in a dark, hooded cloak carrying a light crossbow. He raises the crossbow and launches a bolt at Elaydren. The kobolds seem to concentrate their attacks on the friends while the robed figure, a Warforged attacks Lady Elaydren. During the battle, Cutlass the Warforged hurls insults such as “weak fleshed errand boys” at the friends, as if they weren’t riled enough by his trying to kill them and their employer. Elaydren ducked behind the table and the first bolts from Cutlass’s crossbow thud into the wall behind her. Finally the friends put down their attackers. “More of these assassins may show up at any moment. All the information you need is in the left pocket of the backpack. Take it and go! Get out of the city as quickly as you can!” Elaydren does not wait for the adventurers to come to a decision. She grabs a weapon from one of the fallen attackers and darts into the street, disappearing into the nearest alleyway.

Not afraid of further attacks the foolhardy trio examine the bags contents after Elaydren leaves. The booty consisted of arrows, rope, rations and bedrolls, lantern, other adventuring and survival gear. Gold and platinum pieces, holy water and curative potions, a strange blue metal rod, a letter of credit for House Orien and House Lyrandar to cover passage to Rhukaan Draal. The backpack turned out to be a Heward’s Handy Haversack which Mozz took without any comments from his fellow adventurers. The most important object in the haversack is the letter from Lady Elaydren.

My Friends

The object you recovered for me from the ruins beneath Sharn is a Schema, a piece of a pattern used to create items both mundane and magical. I have learned that another schema connected to this pattern was being studied in a secret Cannith workshop in Cyre called Whitehearth. I wonder if this research is tied to the Day of Mourning? Parts of my own house seek this pattern for evil purposes and I do not know whom to trust. So I turn to you. I need you to travel to Cyre, find the workshop, and recover the second schema. The location of the workshop was a closely guarded secret lost when the patriarch of House Cannith died in the destruction of Cyre. You must travel to the House Cannith outpost in the town of Rose Quarry, in Darguun, to recover a record of all of Cannith’s hidden workshops. In Rhukaan Draal, find a man named Failin in the Bloody Market. He an provide you with transport to Rose Quarry. From there travel into the Mournland to find Whitehearth and the second schema. It is an adamantine plate in the shape of a diamond about the size of a human’s palm. Once you have retrieved it return to Rhukaan Draal where I will meet you. Succeed, and I will see to it that you are well rewarded for your courage.

Lady E

The Trip to Darguun takes some time. The friends opted to travel by House Lyrandar Elemental Galleon which was the fastest voyage, a little more than 4 days. The House Lyrandar Galleon leaves from the ports at the base of the Sharn Cliffs. It travels from the Hilt into the Straits of Shargon, staying close to the Southern Coast as it moves from Brelish to Zilargo waters and eventually turns north into Kraken Bay. From there, the elemental-powered vessel enters the Ghaal River for the final leg of the journey to Rhukaan Draal. The Half-Elf crew operates the ship and tends to the passengers on board. In addition to the trio, a dozen traders, travelers and diplomats are board for the trip. Many disembark when the ship reaches Korranberg, but a handful are scheduled to go all the way to the Goblinoid nations capital. Cargo and trade goods, however, occupy the bulk of space aboard the vessel.

On the third evening when everyone is settling into the trip the peace and quiet is brought to an abrupt halt. The night is warm and quiet, and the trio of moons in the sky reflects ghostly light onto the water. Most of the crew and passengers were sleeping. One of the friends noticed a strange scratching sound and began to investigate. The evening fog was beginning to grow eerily thicker. Then a vigilant member of the friends noticed a skeletal hand reach over the grip rail, then another hand followed by six more. Eight skeletons of human size raged towards the startled crew members manning the vessel. Once the remaining two members of the trio were woken from their slumber the battle took a turn for the worse for the attacking undead. Not entirely unscathed but nevertheless victorious, the friends earnt the thanks and respect of the Captain and his crew. Captain Karavel offered a reward of 50 gold each and a written commendation was awarded to the friends also. This may afford them some boon from House Lyrandar one day.


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